About Ilex Alba

A bit about Ilex Alba;  I shall start with the business name. A direct latin translation of my name; Holly White.    Plants are my passion, a two minute visit to my plant room often becomes 2 hours, it's certainly fair to say it is my happy place.  I prodomintley grow succulents in order to  create the most beautiful, unusual and sustainable gifts. I have a one year old Border Collie who keeps me on my toes and a wonderful, supportive fiance.  I live by the sea and have some of my most creative inspirations whilst walking the dog on the beach.  My business is born out of passion, I therefore love my work! 

At school I never paid much attention and was probably a bit of a delinquent. However, life really did begin at 40 for me, when I discovered a thirst for learning – I flicked through a prospectus and the page landed on horticulture, little did I know the wonderful world this opened my eyes to!

After 4 years of 5 am starts, constant rain checks with friends and a student lifestyle 20 years later than most the work had paid off and I graduated with distinction, the John Innes Trophy for best academic student and an outstanding achievement award, but most importantly a new found respect and love for the inspiring world of plants and in particular succulents, their perfect composition and most importantly their ability to thrive with minimal care.

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