About Lola & Me

My name is Penny Gibson, and I am the founder of Lola & Me Dog Treats.

In 2020 after suffering a breakdown I took a long look at my work life balance. Growing up with dogs and with a passion for the four-leged friends I decided that a new addition to the family would give me a reason to get up every morning and enjoy the great outdoors Norfolk has to offer.

25th June 2020 the hottest day of the year the family embarked on a 15-hour round trip to pick up Lola, a 4 year-old French Bulldog. The moment I saw her I knew this would be an unbreakable bond.

Lola need a special diet due to her previous life, and my passion to bake, sparked the idea of a dog treat business.

Lola & Me Dog Treats - Homemade Vegan & Gluten free treats for dogs. All our products are fresh and have no added sugar or salt.

Today, Lola has not only settled in well, but believes the house is more hers than ours! Each month we go from strength to strength with new products, new ideas and a passion for life. Lola has a new life and so do I. A huge thank you Lola and a very big, big thank you to my wonderful family for helping me get back to me.