Our Story

A dream that was turned into a reality in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.

I mean, I’m not sure if there is a better headline for the birth of The Annex Accessories because every word of it is true.

One home, two best friends, two crazy children and two dogs with a vision to create a unique, statement, home interiors brand using the finest sourced and highest quality products.

From filling our lockdown days with perfecting scents, to spilling wax on granite worktops we quickly released that we had created something that was not only unique and special to us, but something that our customers couldn’t get enough of.

We packed orders whilst dancing to music in the kitchen and hiked in wellies, with plastic bags full of parcels on sledges in the snow. Never quite believing that our little lockdown dream had come true!

From memory, one of the most surreal days had to of been when we received an order from America for our wax brittle. After a few screams of joy in total disbelief, we both looked at each other and reached for the champagne…

We pride our brand on creating aesthetically pleasing products, whether it’s our famous melting wax brittle or a candle that gives off incredible scent throws for over 60 hours, our heart goes into every detail no matter how small.

We have built something together as a family, in a home in little ‘ole’ Norfolk, that we are incredibly proud of.

I’m sure you will all be pleased to read that we have recently upgraded the kitchen to The Annexes’ very own workshop and grown from a business of two to now three, with the addition of ‘Grandad Jim’ our copper wax burner expert.

Every dream starts with a story, and this is ours…