About WildWinx

Inspired by their own children John and Gemma Treby set to work to develop a range of sunglasses for children that are not only highly functional in terms of comfort, quality and safety, but which also have a desirable aspect of fun and individuality.

Wild Winx gives children the opportunity to design their own sunglasses. Each set of sunglasses comes with 8 interchangeable charms.

Kids can choose their own combination by clipping charms on the sides and front, making each pair unique and styled individually.

For even more fun, additional charms can be purchased from a choice of 80 charms in total.

Product Inspiration

Gemma says, “For years we have battled with the boys when the sun is out. They hate wearing sunglasses. However, all that changes when the kids get to wear a pair they have designed themselves!”

Wild Winx are available in 3 colours and are polarised with a UV400 lens, promoting sun safety.